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Panda Update

The New Panda Update

I know many of you have been waiting and some dreading to get this email, knowing that there has been a major update to Google’s algorithm nick named the “Panda Update”.   What many of you do not now is this has been a series of updates and new versions as well as changes.  So many in fact that we now classify the version being used as version 3.4 as does most of the professional SEO industry.   Keeping up with these changes as well as gaining verified research has been a challenge in this case and has taken longer than most updates.   In the meantime some of you have really taken a hit on your positioning waiting for this information.  

The Goal Of Panda

If you understand the goal of the Panda update, you can understand what you need to do to combat its effects.   The goal appears to be this, “Google wants a brand new original Internet.”  Meaning Google wants to see new and original content.  

How Do I Modify My Site Pages That Have Dropped Due To Panda

The changes are simple to describe but less easy to implement.   Before you read the following information, remember I am the consultant not the creator.  In otherwords, don’t shoot the messenger.

  1. Content created before September 1, 2011 needs to be dramatically updated.  Not just minor changes but needs to be republished and plentiful with information and focus on just one keyword per page in a readable format.
  2. You need to make sure that you check each URL with Copyscape.com to make sure that your content is original and not copied or that the content is similar to any other content on the Internet.   Google is now date stamping changes  so if you are complaining that your content was stolen before and caused  your page rank to drop because there was duplicate content on the Internet.  That won’t be a problem again on the Internet.
  3. Make sure that your website is  compatible with all browser including Android, IPAD, IE9, and Google Chrome for sure.   (We can provide you a AccuQuality.com report to check this issue.  Please email sean@webseopros.com for an updated report.)  If you are using WordPress you can ignore  this requirement as it automatically stays up to date and compatible.
  4. Make sure all pages render in under 10 seconds.  You can use Google’s speed test to make sure.  https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/  If your website does not get a score of 70 or above you need to call us to make sure that we fix your hosting issues.
  5. Anymore than two broken links on a page can be detrimental to that page! Fix all broken links!   (We can provide you a AccuQuality.com report to check this issue. Please email Sean Farrell at sean@webseopros.com  for an updated report.) 
  6. Google has changed the Keyword  Density requirement from 7% to a more reasonable 6-6.5%.   This means that your pages focusing on one keyword.  The page  should have 300 words minimum and your keyword should appear at least 6 times fo every 100 words.  If you have 300 words on the page, your keyword should be on the page 18 times at a minimum.  Use can use the keyword density check tool at http://www.gorank.com/analyze.php to check your keyword density and learn other places you can place  keywords on the page.

What If I Need Help?

If you need help, please email your technical support representative at (714) 782-7204.

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